Friday, 9 December 2016


I'm not certain of what the point of this post is but think of it as my diary or a brief moment inside my head. Although, I'm not sure how many people really want to enter my thoughts, views and head, because in all honesty I'm an over-thinker, seriously I think it's possible if I have one more thought or vision my mind may just combust. Also just to warn you this is a random and rambly post and it's not going to have any order or structure what so ever. (+ I don't even know how it relates to Christmas)

Why I Started & Growing Confidence:
My life is not a fairy tale, in any way, shape or form. I'm a very normal real person and I always feel like it is so easy to get wrapped up in being this online presence that can easily become viewed as something completely different to what or who they really are. Although I don't have the biggest following I have a following of 5000 or so now and to me that is just crazy, I can't believe that amount of people are even interested in me and what I'm doing and I guess this is a thanks. You have giving me the chance to work with some amazing brands and have truly helped my confidence grow, thats why I do this, because I love it. 

More Lifestyle Posts:
Once blogmas is over and all the New Year related posts that everyone does are done and over with I'm thinking about doing a lot more lifestyle posts. My passion is makeup and I adore it in every way but when I write posts that help inspire others I really get a buzz, even if one person reads it and it helps them it literally makes my day.  

Starting Youtube?:
Even writting this scares me, the thought of it just makes me feel nervous and sick as if I'm going to a job interview or something. I'm so apprehensive about even mentioning it because the  fear of people laughing or not approving of it, but I'm done with living my life worrying about what others think of me so when the New Year comes I'm really thinking about starting youtube. I love watching youtube videos and I have for years, I'm not even sure if its something I do want to do but surely if it crosses my mind its worth a go?

Being More Mumsy On My Blog:
Again something I am not really sure on, my blog is about makeup, fashion and lifestyle and I 100% want it to stay that way. That is why I started blogging and what I fell in love with, but I've been thinking about adding a Mummy section to my blog, something light hearted for people to have a read and laugh at, if you watch my snapchat (staceylouisew) then you'd know I kinda love to humour being a Mum. I love my daughter but I am not an overly mumsy mumma.

Figuring Sh*T Out:
I say this all the time but I fall in and out of love with my content and I'm seriously so tired of it! I want to love every single thing I post and feel really proud of it. It is mainly my photos, I feel like I've not fully figured out the direction I'm going with them, I know I'm figuring it out but I'm constantly looking to improve. Seriously if you can reccomend any blogs about photography other than the queen of photograpy Elley Mae that would be a massive help.

Is Being A Perfectionist A Bad Thing?:
I hate being a perfectionist, I'm literally so far from perfect its unreal, so even striving for perfection is stupid but for some reason I keep doing it. 

When People Buy Or Use Dodgy Apps On Insta:
I've really noticed this with a lot of bloggers recently, I think it is obvious when people do it as well, all you have to do is take one look at there followers and see they are all blank photos or dodgy names or something, Don't get me wrong I know that everyone has a good few dodgy names, it is just part of the game but when 90% of them are dodgy... come on. I know this shouldn't bother me because I believe in organic growth but it does, it really does. I find it kind of offensive when me and 100's of other bloggers out there work our arses off. Same applys with likes if your likes are genuine likes you can usually tell. 

Having Highs And Lows:
This isn't really something I talk about on my blog or much with anyone, but I suffer with having really bad high stages and low stages in my life. When I feel high I feel like I can conquer the world, when I'm low I just want to sit on the sofa and pig out. Don't mistaken my highs and lows with depression or post natal depression. I like to think I can deal with it and its very much a apart of life and sometimes I battle with it more than other times. I am a happy person and I'm extremely content with my life but occasionally I just get low, there doesn't always have to be a reason behind it, it just happens and I'm okay with it.

Sorry this picture isn't relevant to this post and sorry its such a random and rambly post I just want to be as real and honest with you as I can be and sometimes that means sharing things I'm not even sure I'm comfortable with sharing.

If you've managed to read this without clicking off it or falling asleep then I hope you've enjoyed, let me know if this is something you actually enjoyed.



  1. Good morning, love
    Thank you for this insight inside your head and heart. I really enjoyed reading it and relating to you.
    Youtube: I think you should definitely do it, if you want to. You know, that I will totally support you, subscribe, like and comment. I think you'd do amazingly.
    Blog: Why not write about "mom" topics. Even though I'm not a mom, I would read it and I'm sure I would learn a lot. Also, I can recommend She takes amazing pictures and her blog is so great.
    High & Lows: I can definitely relate to that. Some days I wake up and feel very sad even though I don't really know why. I also think that because I'm an over-thinker (like you) that can really effect the mood. We just have to try to think positive and enjoy the moment.
    I wish you a great day.
    xx Dési

    1. Aww thank you hun! your always so supportive and sweet! yes totally agree with the positive thinking! xx

  2. I love this post. I agree with you on the organic growth. I know so many people who are using comment apps, or other ways to boost their followers. I like knowing that people are following me because they want to and that I've earned them, not that I've bought them...

    I can't wait to see what you come up with once blogmas is finished! Your blog is growing and looking so great! I love all your new posts xx

    1. Yes its so frustrating and Im the same I want to interact with people with similar interests to me. Ive got so many ideas

  3. Love this post :) I also go through extreme highs and lows but I'm quite certain mine are anxiety related. I also think about Youtube allll the time but I'm just way too shy I think haha hopefully someday I'll gain the courage to make a video. I really look forward to some mommy posts if you do decide to make some! :)

    Renee | Life After Lux

    1. Yes I think thats the same for me! haha I'm the same I'm so shy and just the thought of it scares me! I think I may add a few! xx

  4. This was a lovely post Stacey, I love reading things like this. It would be great if you started youtube, I know that I would really enjoy watching you! (as non weird as that sounds!!)

    1. Aww thanks lovely! glad you enjoyed! I may give it a go in the new year! haha don't worry it doesn't sound to weird hahaha xx

  5. I adored this post so much stacey.. I can totally relate to the part with the photos. I am also not happy and I feel just like you, like I haven't really figured out where I want to go with them.

    AND: YESSSS please do youtube girl. I love hearing you talk and you come across so sweet and nice on snapchat.. just love it! This would be such a lovely addition to your blog and instagram!

    xx Lisa

    1. Thanks hun! Its so hard but I guess its all part of the journey.

      haha I may do, I need to try and get comfortable infant of the camera!

      Thanks lovely xxx

  6. I love reading your posts! Especially this one. I can't wait to see what you have coming for us all. 😊

    1. Awww thanks lovely! I'm glad you enjoyed! hehe I can't wait to see what I come up with!



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