Monday, 5 December 2016


Dear Santa,

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. I'm not sure what part of Christmas I love the most. The delicious food, the endless Christmas movies or spending quality time with the ones I love. Everything about Christmas reminds me of how lucky I am. It reminds me that although everything is imperfect in my life it feels perfect to me.

Me and my family are all lucky enough to be healthy, happy and have a roof over our heads and I think that is what really matters.  

I guess my letter is for me to show some appreciation to every one, every moment and every thing in my life. I am grateful that I get to wake up next to a man who loves me, more than anyone else could. I'm grateful I get to see my daughter laughsmile and cry every single day. I get to hold them, cuddle them and kiss them. 

I have my sisters and there partners, my parents and my partners family supporting everything we do, every decision we make every single day. 

It is so easy to get wrapped up in life and forget about the really important things, the little things like breathing and living. We forget how lucky we are to wake up with the ones we love, to laugh with them and to see them smile. So Santa this year all I wish for is moments and memories, health and happiness, somewhere warm to sleep ,food to eat and of course lots of makeup (totally kidding about the makeup, but you know its an added extra)

Thank you for every moment, breath and memory I have been able to experience.

Yours sincerely,
Stacey White.



  1. Ahhh, this is so lovely! This is what Christmas is all about!
    Kate xx

    1. Totally agree! Sure we all love getting/giving a gift every now and again but the gift of happiness is the best thing you can ever receive xx

  2. I love this! Always important to show appreciation! xx

  3. It is great to appreciate the things that don't cost money. I appreciate family time more than anything because we're all so busy. Great post 👍

    1. So true! its so easy to get wrapped up in life! its nice to take a moment just to realise how good things really are.


  4. This is lovely and sooo true! To many people take to much for granted and forget it's the little things that make you smile that count the most! I loved reading this post <3 x

    Jessica |

    1. Aww I'm really glad you enjoyed this lovely! its a little different to my usual posts but something that is easily over looked xx

  5. So sweet!! It's the little things in life that matter most xx

    Renee | Life After Lux

  6. Written beautifully Stacey, we are all Very lucky to have you in our lives ����

    1. Aww thank you Gayna! Me and Robbie are lucky to always have your support

  7. An absolutely wonderful letter. I always forget to feel lucky about what I have in my life. Thank you for reminding me.
    xx Dési

    1. Aww thank you lovely! its so easy to get wrapped up into everyday life isn't it? so nice to have a little reminder once in a while! Thankyou for always supporting me and commenting on my blogs lovely, its really sweet that you take time out of your day to read my blog and comment constantly

  8. You are doing an amazing job of Blogmas so far!! I have been loving all your posts, this one is so heartwarming and true! Lovely post :) xx

    Tash |

    1. Thanks so much gorgeous! I've really been enjoying it , even though its a little struggle sometimes! thanks lovely xxx


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