Friday, 3 February 2017


I'm just going to have a quick coffee before I start my daily jobs. 3 hours later, a dozen flicks through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and 20 youtube videos later and I'm still stuck to the sofa, moulded into it like a saggy cushion in fact. Whether you're 'Mrs productive' or 'Mrs I can't be asked right now', I'm pretty sure at one stage or another you've done everything but what you wanted to do. Whether it is because your phone pinged during your morning coffee and you got caught up in replying to emails or its because you sat down for so long you've convinced yourself you deserve a day off. Whatever it is I'm sure you can all relate, so I've put together a few quick and easy tips and tricks to defeat distracting and actually get stuff done.

W O R S T   F I R S T
Yes, you've guessed it, start with your worst task first. Of course, everyone is different but for me, I always tackle my biggest task first. Once I've accomplished that, everything else feels easy to do.
I love clean makeup brushes, but I hate cleaning them. One task I always say "I'll do later" is cleaning my makeup brushes, I've recently been trying to set this as my first task and have found once the worst is out the way, I can achieve everything else easily that day.

R E W A R D   Y O U R S E L F
When you wake up, spend the first 30 minutes of your day being super productive, get showered, get ready and work. Making the very first half hour of my day really productive gets me inspired to be productive for the whole day. Make sure this 30 minutes is just productive time, no sneaky phone checking! Once the half hour is up, reward yourself with a 10 minutes break, in this time you can check your phone, emails or whatever you wish. Then once your 10 minutes is up, start over. To make sure you stick to your 10 minutes set a timer.

W R I T E   L I S T S
If I set myself tasks in my head, I usually completely forget the next day what it was that I actually needed to get done. I find writting lists is the most effective way for me to ensure I'm getting all my tasks done. I personally prefer writing lists on paper with a pen, for me I like to see it visually and there is something satisfying about putting a tick next to a task once you've completed it.

Q U I T   S O C I A L   M E D I A
Okay, so this is only temporary, but quitting social media is a must to be productive! In fact, anything distracting tv, radio whatever it is that makes you sit down and not get back up, TURN IT OFF. Seriously if you know its a distraction just remove it out of sight for now.

6 0   S E C O N D   J O B S
If a job takes less than 60 seconds do it. This is a tip that has changed my life and I have lived by for quite some time. If a job takes less than a minute do it there and then. This applies to anything, work, tidying, whatever it is. If you stick to doing every 60 second job there and then, you will be surprised at how much time you can save. For example when I would get ready I'd have clothes every wear, makeup every were and leave it. I'd go out come back in my house take my coat off and chuck it on the sofa and the jump in the shower. By the time I'd done all of this, the house would be a tip, if I had just started with putting my makeup away, clothes away and then my jacket on a hook, I'd easily save myself 15 minutes and these 60 second jobs feel so much easier when tackled one by one as I go.

 C O M M U N I C A T E
Whether your at work or at home, make sure to communicate. Let people know you have stuff to get done and can't be distracted. People are usually really understanding and actually helpful so don't be afraid to asking for some peace and quiet whilst you work away. If you have a child ask someone to come over and watch them for 30 minutes so you can get something done. You'd be surprised at how many people will volunteer!

H A V E   A   V I S I O N
Depending on what it is your working on/towards remember why you started. This mainly applies to if your working hard towards something. Maybe starting your own business? Remind yourself of what you want to achieve and how much you have already achieved. Whenever I'm feel un-motivated  looking at other peoples success and setting myself goals pushes me to want more. However if your goal is to tidy your front room, or deep clean the house, think about the small goal. Think about how homely your home will feel once it's tidy. For me having a tidy mind, means I can fully relax, mind, body and soul. Although it's only small always have a vision of what your end result will look or feel like. When you feel like giving in remind yourself and set yourself some simple steps to achieve your end vision.

C L U T T E R   F R E E
Keep your space clutter free, wherever your working keep it clean and if it is not clear, make that your main priority. It is a lot easier to work in a clear environment. It allows you to have a fresh start for creative ideas and also reduces the risk of finding something that can distract you. So keep it clear!

And last of all, just do it. If you have had a day you haven't done as much as you would have liked to, quickly get over it and plan ahead for the next day.



  1. The 60 second job is so true! Espiecally when you have children. Those little things add up and feel so unmanageable when it can be easily avoided.
    I love making lists and buying pretty note pads to write things in.

    Tania ||

    1. It literally helps me so much! My house is pretty much always tidy just because this one rule! xx

  2. Great post! I swear by the "worst first" method, I hate having the grey cloud of a task I don't want to do hanging over my head for the whole day, just get it done and move on :)

    1. Yes I completely agree! I can't handle knowing I have to do something I hate after doing a bunch of other chores! xx

  3. Such great tips Stacey! Love the 60 tip, I hadn't heard of that but I will definitely try it out :)
    Ambar x | Her Little Loves

    1. Thank you sweetie! its a tip I pretty much live by and seriously because of it my house is never really messy! xx

  4. Thanks for sharing this amazing tips. I will definitely keep them in mind!

    Vanessa x |

  5. Loved your post! 60 seconds, it's so me. Being a mom you need those 60 seconds. I am the type of person that I hate leaving the house untidy. its not me, at all. Before I leave the house everything needs to be in place or I just freak out! Thanks for sharing this amazing tips babe xx

    1. Yes thats exactly it! I always have a tidy home now purely because I stick to the 60 second method! x

  6. This post is so great. I love the 60 seconds one a lot. I try to remember this and see how it goes. I always get distracted by Have a lovely evening

    1. Thanks sweeties! haha yes thats one of my fave tips and has changed the way I keep on top of things! xx

  7. This is so helpful! I think it will make a big difference around my house if I just do a 60 second task every once in awhile. Thinking about all of the 60 second tasks at once is overwhelming, but just breaking it down one by one is brilliant.

    Jenn -

    1. Yes it really does! I have a 8 month baby at literally manage to nearly always have a tidy and organised home purely just because that tip! xx

  8. This is very helpful! I totally relate to the whole "I will just grab a coffee and 3hrs on IG" situation haha. Thank you for sharing your tips Stacey!


    1. haha Cant we all? so glad you've enjoyed them hun! xx

  9. such a useful post!! another thing I have found very useful for me is setting alarms like in school..otherwise I keep doing some work even when I have to do something else!!

    xx from italy
    Cate ღ 35mm in Style

    1. Yes thats such a great tip as well! thanks for that one haha! I love when someone teaches me something in my posts! thanks


  10. This is just what I needed to read! Been soooo ridiculously uninspired lately but these little thing really can make a difference! Thank you for this post! :) x

    Jessica |

    1. Awww im glad this is the kind of post you needed hun! hope it helps you xx

  11. I will absolutely be bringing most of these into my life asap! Especially 'Reward Yourself' & '60 Second Jobs'. So helpful and such great ideas, thank you!!

    1. 60 second jobs is something I live by, it has changed my life. Sounds dramatic I know but I literally barely ever have to tidy or catch up on stuff just because this handy little tip! xx

  12. Loved this read! I love doing to - do lists and it has to be pen and paper! I'm totally useless otherwise and forget <3

    1. Haha yes! has to be pen and paper right? something so satisfying about ticking off something.


  13. Love this post as well!! I always make a list of what I want to accomplish when I sit down to do work - from most important to least important. It's typically uni assignments, so I try to break them into smaller tasks as well, giving myself a break or treat after I've completed each task!

    Laura ||

  14. I absolutely love this post! The 60 second rule is so good! :) I already love keeping my space tidy and I've found it makes a HUGE difference :)

    x Helen

  15. Great advices you gave us, but can you give me a recommendation, how do you write the articles for your blog at so high level? Do you use the help of the writing services like this one Or write it by yourself? Really interesting to know.

  16. Thank you for these tips, very helpful!

    Ingrid |

  17. Absolutely loved this post, such helpful tips!

    Love Somachi xx


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