Ok so this is a simple one, that we should probably all know is extremely important but when you feel anxious or low it is one we often ignore or push to the back of our minds. If you're feeling anxious force yourself to go for a walk, do 15 minutes cardio or 5 minutes worth of jumping jacks, yes five minutes of exercise is all you need to do to help ease anxiety, however, once you've started you may as well keep going right? Try to exercise often, find something you love doing, even if it's dancing around your house.

Being outside can make me feel instantly less anxious. There is something about fresh air that makes me feel like I can breathe easy again. & I personally love going for walks. Just getting out of the house and out of your comfort zone can really help.
Never and I mean never, underestimate the power of me time. You need to be selfish and take time for yourself. Whether it's 5 minutes or an hour, you need that time for you. I have a daughter and this can be hard, but no matter how busy your schedule is, you can always squeeze in 5 minutes to do something you like, or even 5 minutes to do nothing.
Eating well, exercise, painting your nails, these are all things that are important to me. That makes me feel good and put together. Whenever I have greasy hair or chipped nails I instantly feel rubbish about myself. Keeping on top of your brows, nails or whatever it is that makes you feel special, do it. If it makes you feel good, find the time to squeeze in something every day and schedule in time weekly to keep on top of it and avoid it feeling like a chore. Trust me! I personally really notice a difference in my mood when I haven't taken as much care of myself as I should.
I'm so guilty of having a problem, keeping it bottled up then a few days later just having a complete meltdown. When in fact, the problem was so minor and I had just over thought it and let it brew in my mind and turn into a whirlwind of thoughts that would spin around my mind, fill my brain and leave me feeling like I'm going to combust. I tend to speak to my partner usually, however you can speak to your mum, sisters, friends or if you feel it is necessary even a doctor.
Doing anything next week? Make at least one set of plans. Even if it's by yourself and your planning on popping into town or going for a walk. Whatever plans you make, write them down and keep them. When you feel anxious you often make plans and cancel, make a point of forcing yourself to stick to them. Plus making plans is a great way of giving us something to look forward to, no matter how simple the plans may be.
Set yourself goals, long term and short term goals. Thinking about what I want out of life and planning what I need to do to get there helps me feel motivated, inspired and a lot less anxious.
For me, my blog is my creative outlet. It keeps me sane and gives me something to work on. I love creating something from nothing. It keeps my mind active, it makes me feel confident and over all it sooooothes me. (Not always, sometimes is stresses me out but 99% of the time it's my escape).
Ok ok, so no matter how much you love something or hate it. Or whether you have to do it now or in 3 months, whatever it is. If you feel anxious. TAKE A BREAK. Go for a walk and come back to it later.
Stress and anxiety can be present in our lives at any time, these are just a few of my tips to help ease an anxious mind. However, if you're having anxiety attacks and feel like you're struggling to cope then speak to a professional.
I hope my tips help someone when they're having a bad day. How do you cope when your minds in over drive?
I've found me time so important, I try to have a bath or do a face mask at least once a week, it really helps! I also try to treat cleansing my face at the end of the day like a mini pamper session too.
ReplyDeleteLove this post, as always! xx
Laura || www.thelifeoflaura.com.au
It really is isn't it. Yes i'm the same! feeling good and keep on top of things makes me feel really good as well! xx
DeleteI loved all your tips.. I have suffered from anxiety/depression nearly a year ago, and I can tell you that exercise, taking care of myself, and switched from social media etc made me feel new again.. apart from the medication I'm in of course.. I love your blog, and your tips.. keep it up..🌸🌸🌸
ReplyDeleteThanks lovely! Yes I definitely think looking after yourself is something easily forgotten when you feel anxious. Yes medication is key when you have anxiety or depression.
DeleteThank you lovely
Me Time is definetely an important one, sometimes we forget that we are only human xx Lovely post!
ReplyDeleteYes I agree, we try to do so much and forget all the simple things right x
DeleteI totally relate with this post, my anxiety levels were through the rough during the christmas period and I could not bring my self to right a post. After new years I felt much better and more motivated. Thanks for sharing these amazing tips.
ReplyDeleteVanessa x | www.springlilies.com
Oh Christmas is always a busy and stressful time isn't it. Im glad your feeling better lovely!xx
DeleteYou are so right about me time. Being a parent as well it's hard to get some time alone. But luckily my partner always knows when to take my son so I can have a bit of breather.
ReplyDeleteWhen it comes to being an over thinker, I suffer from it sooo bad! 😖
Laura| www.lauralivinglife.com
Yes it really is isn't it! I think no matter what though it is important to have 10 minutes or so time just to yourself! Yes i'm the same such a frustrating trait isnt it xx
DeleteI totally agree with having 'me' time, as you might guess I dedicate an hour basically everyday or every other day to myself. Doing something that I either love doing or I'll appreciate.
ReplyDeleteI also think when I do have any problems or any difficult situations - I need to speak up. I'm one of them people that keeps things to myself which doesn't do my mind any good when I've got a thousand other things going on too.
Loved this read. <3
Yes Its so so important isn't it! I'm exactly the same, I really don't open up very often but trying to a bit more! xx
DeleteExercising is very important I feel. I never really talk about it but I am on medication because of my anxiety / panic attacks. I really feel like since I am exercising very regularly it definitely got better :)
ReplyDeletexx Lisa
Very, such a simple thing but really helps with anxiety. Yes I think so many people suffer with anxiety these days to the point they need medication and I read a study saying how exercise and getting outside can actually reduce anxiety dramatically and I've found for me it literally changes my mind set and makes me feel a lot better xx
DeleteSuch a well written post and totally agree! We all need time out and think you covered it all perfectly.
ReplyDeleteBeautiful shots as always, makes it a joy to visit your blog. Kelly xx
Thanks lovely! I tried to cover everything without going in to to much detail! Thank you lovely xx
DeleteI love this post hun!
ReplyDeleteIt's so important to take time for yourself, taking a week or two away from blogging or anything that stresses you out makes such a huge difference.
I also agree with making plans something you enjoy so you look forward to it.
Tania || www.taniaalexandraribeiro.com
Thanks tania! it really is isn't it. It really does, my blog helps me escape so if I ever feel myself stressing over it I try to take time out to re-think and get inspired again!
Loved this post hun, I was never really an anxious person but the past few years I have become worse and worse! I find the best thing for me is to take action, I feel like if I start tackling the things that are worrying me I immediately feel better. Posts like this are so good because you realise you're not alone in how you feel! xx
ReplyDeleteLaura | www.mylauralife.co.uk
Yes I am as well. I've always had anxiety but its only recently I've realised how bad it can be. I agree taken action can definitely help if its constantly on your mind. I always try to take a break from something and come back to it as I find usually if i get out for a walk or something I will have the answer when I come back. Or just be in a better frame of mind. Thanks lovely xx
DeleteWhat a great post, Stacey. I'm happy you are back but it's also totally ok to take time off. Everybody needs time to destress.
ReplyDeleteI'm the worst overthinker there is and sometimes I felt so stressed at work, that I just went outside a took a walk. Everything felt better afterwards and I could really put everything in perspective. I love your tips.
Love Desi (stunnydesi_loves on IG)
Thanks lovely, glad you enjoyed. Its simple things but honestly can make a huge difference. Thank you hun so glad you enjoyed! xx
DeleteSuch a great post!
ReplyDelete100% agree on all of these! Exercise really helps for me - even when I REALLY don't want to, going for a 15 minute walk to clear my mind really helps
Lizzie | Takeoffs & Landings
Love this posts and these tips, getting out or doing some exercise always helps me when I'm feeling like this! Also.. The photos in this post are bloody gorgeous as always! Hope you are ok lovely xxx
ReplyDeleteThis is such a great post, such a great reminder for me seen as I never listen to myself when I know I need to do these things! I definitely feel the same about feeling better with fresh air too. I stress about such small things it's silly but I guess a lot of people do so it's good to know I'm not alone!
ReplyDeleteEllie x
I find excersising and fresh air help me tremendously and me time if I can
ReplyDeleteThis is such a lovely, uplifting post. I loved every single bit of it and thank you so much for the inspiration xx
ReplyDeleteNaya // www.partyparrotblog.com
I really appreciated this post! I am in love with the pictures! Ifound your blog in the comments and love it!
I love this post. I'm quite anxious and this certainly gave me some new ideas.