Tuesday, 11 October 2016


I was recently contacted by SkinnyMint who kindly offered me the chance to try out their 28 day Teatox. I received their Morning Boost Tea and their Night Cleanse Tea. I figured this was the perfect opportunity for me to finally tweak my eating habits. For the most part I eat fairly healthy but I just have a tendency to over indulge on the weekend.

SkinnyMint is not a diet and it is not a quick fix, you won't become skinny overnight just from drinking the tea. SkinnyMint advise you to have a healthy and balanced diet and to exercise frequently. The Teatox is to simply, soothe your tummy, nourish your body and appress your appetite. 

The second SkinnyMint contacted me I naturally  headed straight to their website to do my research. One of my favourite things about SkinnyMint is their "Wellbeing" section. They have great blog posts with tips, inspiration and even recipes! They really have put a lot of effort into making this Teatox work for people. Whenever I'm having a day of doubt and feel like I'm going to cave in I will be referring to their website for a boost of will power. Also me and Chloe at SkinnyMint have been emailing back and fourth and she's lovely, so quick to respond and willing to answer any questions I may need answering.

Along with your Teatox you will receive a leaflet with tips, clean eating snack ideas and a journey calendar. The journey calendar provides you with goals for you to tick off daily.

I figured I would share some of my goals and objectives with you.

My 3-month objectives;
Health goal: Continue to eat clean and discovery new healthy recipes.
Fitness goal: Start a weekly exercise schedule.
Personal goal: Be able to fit into my favourite pre-pregnancy outfit.

My 28-day objectives;
Health goal: Make healthy meal/snack choices.
Fitness goal: Be able to ride 10 miles on my exercise bike (I currently do 5).
Personal goal: See visible results from the 28 dat Teatox.

My daily objectives;
Health goal: Cut out the cappuccino.
Fitness goal: Go for a walk even if it is just round the block.
Personal goal: Keep my self inspired.

So as of Monday 10th October I started the 28 day Teatox so I will keep you guys updated on a weekly basis of how my Teatox is going. For any more information on this please click here.

In the next few weeks expect to see posts about how the tea makes me feel, how the tea tastes and my honest opinion on if the the Teatox has made a difference.

(By NO means am I a professional at giving advice on health and fitness. Opinions expressed are solely my own and are my personal preference)



  1. Such a good idea to share this with us. Good luck with it. I am the same. On the weekends I always eat a lot of unhealthy food.

    1. Thanks lovely! Yes I'm so guilty of over indulging !

  2. This sounds like a lovely product, hope you enjoy! Can't wait to hear a bit more about it xx

  3. 28 day teatox has certain ingredients which is very beneficial for the health of an individual. This tea is very good for the morning sickness and also nausea that generally women face during the pregnancy.


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