Sunday, 13 November 2016


I think all bloggers at one stage or another doubt themselves, their talents and their significance in the world of blogging. Whether you're dubious of your photos, writing style or just your ability to get a post out on time, blogging has the ability to "take it out of you". I am a perfectionist and sometimes I can spend 3 hours taking photos and dislike each and every one. I think 90% of bloggers would admit they have been in this situation a number of times. I do really enjoy blogging and taking photos but unfortunately, it is hard not to compare your photos with others. So I just wanted to talk about it, about my photos and how they've changed and how I wish to perhaps improve them.

"It looks like a child's craft project"
My photos have dramatically improved over the last few months and I should be proud of them, However, I feel like I've been stuck in a bubble of doubt, I know I've come a long way and I know I have a long way to go but I can't help but doubt myself. I feel like I am going through a phase of figuring out my photo style. Am I the queen of flatlays? Nope. Am I a pro at capturing "in the moment photos?" Nope. I'm working through all these factors and feel like I'm closer to finding my "photo style" but not quite there yet. Sometimes I place everything perfectly on a beautiful background and it works beautifully, then I look back at it and it looks like a child's craft project. 

I'm just trying to figure it all out, I don't have a natural gift to capture something and make it beautiful, it takes a lot of time and effort for me. I have a lack of knowledge when it comes to photography, lighting, and editing. I'm still learning my camera manual settings which is a task in itself. 

I know this post may seem a little obsessive but I treat my blog like a job and I've always had the oomph in me to work hard and do my best and whenever I'm not 100% satisfied with my work it does get to me. However, I refuse to let it be an issue and I will definitely research every little thing to figure out exactly how I want my photos. 

Anywhoo enough with the chit chat , now its time to have a little laugh at some of my older photos.
(some are really bad, some really old and some not as bad but just not my style anymore) Please excuse the fact that each photo is a different shape/size.

As you can see I've come a long way (insert crying laughing face here). 
I don't really know what point I was trying to make with this post, I just felt like I needed to explain myself and my photos. I hope you've enjoyed it anyway! and let me know in the comments below if your guilty of over thinking, over analyzing your blog.



  1. I know the feeling, I normally take my pictures in bulk because I dont have time during the week. I can take over 50 pictures and hate every single one. But that´s life I guess.
    Your pictures have definetly improved!
    Vanessa x |

    1. I do the same! haha 50? I take like 300 all in just same position hahahaha! Yeah they have improved dramatically right?

  2. Hahahaha I loved this so much Stacey! Well done! I can see myself in this post so much... I am not as good as you but when I think about the pictures I took for my old blog a couple of years ago I cringe so hard!

    I wish I kept all of them tho.. cute memories.

    xx Lisa
    Lisa Autumn

    1. haha glad you enjoyed hun! I still have all my old blog posts up and some times I consider taking them down to look "more professional" but hey thats how I started my blog in A dark room with no knowledge about blogging, photography or lighting what so ever and I want people to know that.


  3. Such a funny post. I really loved seeing your old photos and you have come so so far. I can't say anything bad about your current photos. They are just beautiful. But I agree, I always want to improve myself too and sometimes it just happens even if you don't notice it at first...if that makes sense. Have a good Monday.

    1. Im glad you enjoy hun! I have come so far and I am proud. I know you feel the same way as I do about improving which is great! Thanks lovely hope your monday has been good!

  4. This is definitely my current situation. Love this post !
    BTW your photography is amazing ��

    1. Haha its a really weird, irritating yet wonderful phase. I'm still figuring it all out but it is nice to see the improvement!

  5. wow!!! You've made such an improvement! I always look back on my first few photos with a cringe haha but you have definitely come far, your latest photos are beautiful!!!

    1. Haha I'm the same! Glad I've kept them though!

  6. Stacey, you beautiful human being, your photos are absolutely gorgeous.
    Your flatlays are dreamy and so full of "life" you could say. Every shot is so perfectly put together and you can tell that you put a lot of effort into each shot.

    No one is born with great talent, it's through experience that we gain talent and learn our "shooting style". Since first following you on Instagram, I've seen a huge improvements in your photos. Not that your photos were ever terrible, but I can definitely see now that you are really developing your own style. It's to the point now where I don't need to look at the username above an Instagram photo to know it's yours - I can already identify it's yours by the mood, props, layout etc.

    Keep up the amazing work & keep being you! Comparing ourselves to others can often bring us down and the more you focus on you being you, the more you will achieve and the more you will succeed.

    You're a gorgeous girl and I can't wait to see what the future brings for you and your photography my love!

    Elley xxx

    PS - I'm so confused why my name comes up as Elley Charles Photography wahhhh

    1. Thank you Hun! That means a lot! I feel like I am focusing on my style more and I can really start to see it coming together!!!! Thank you so much it means a lot it really does!

  7. I feel like everything you have written in this post every blogger has said to themselves at one point or another! I always get into this kind of headspace and it can be hard to work myself out of it. I guess we just need to work through the self doubt and know that if our photos/content wasn't good enough would we still be here trying to figure it all out.

    Bec |

    1. That's exactly it! I think I'm getting to a point where my style has developed and I know where I'm going with my photos! It's so easy to compare though ! Xx

  8. You have improved so much in your photography, it's amazing and your photos now are aspiring too look at. Followed you on Instagram btw because I just adore your style :D x

    Beauty with charm

    1. Thank you lovely! That means so much hearing beautiful comments like that! Thank you Hun I've followed you back! Xx

  9. Your blog photos are the definition of goals, and I love so much that you have thrown in old pictures just to show how far you've come. It's the perfect motivation to encourage me to keep trying haha because I am sooo guilty of taking the same pictures all the time and then hating them when I see them on my computer haha! Thanks for a great post :) x


    1. Aww that is really sweet! I think it shows your passionate and want to produce the best work you can! Xx

  10. Your photos are so great!!! I'm rubbish at taking photos. I'm currently living at uni and really struggle with my backgrounds as I don't have much to put in it and nor do I have a white background! So frustrating.


    1. Aww I think everyone is really hard on there photos in the beginning but you do figure it all out a bit more! Thanks lovely! Hope what I sent you helped

  11. I feel you! I enjoy photography but blog photos are a whole new game which i'm still learning!

    1. So different right? I'm learning something new everyday !

  12. I feel you! I enjoy photography but blog photos are a whole new game which i'm still learning!

  13. Amazing post I felt like I literally saw myself in your post the pictures, seeing blogging as your job and just wanting everything to be perfect. Your progressing beautifully doll.x

    1. awww I'm glad you enjoyed it! thank you lovely!

  14. I loved looking at all of your previous images, it just shows that with hard work you can get to where you want and you can improve in no time! If I did this post I'd be horrified if anything as to how far I haven't come haha!
    Charlotte / Charlotte's Picks


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