Thursday, 5 January 2017


I feel like I really neglected myself in 2016. I barely drunk, I removed my makeup every night but yet I still feel as if I didn't quite love myself as much as I should have. Whilst I've been on a journey of self-love for quite some time, I feel like I haven't put my heart and soul into loving myself and for me, 2017 is going to be different, It is going to be the year I dedicate to myself. I've set a few simple and achievable goals to help better me, to make me a kinder person, a stronger person and most importantly a person who loves themselves.
one: Quit sweating the small stuff.
I'm always guilty of worrying about the small things, the things that are completely irrelevant. Is my Instagram cohesive? Are my photos white enough? are my photos to white? whatever it is quit it.
Lifes to short to worry and waste time on the small things it is ok to post a picture that doesn't fit in with your Instagram feed. (I love a cohesive feed, but I also love in the moment shots)

two: Eat clean and exercise.
In 2016 my healthy eating habits went out the window. I definitely gained a few extra pounds, who am I kidding? I definitely gained a few extra stone and sure some of its down to having a baby, but that is such a lousy excuse to allow yourself to gain unwanted weight. I'm back to eating well and exercising and even after a few days, I feel like a new person, I instantly have more energy and just feel in a positive frame of mind. 

three: Know when to take a break.
Okay, so whenever I set myself goals, I have a nasty habit of literally running myself into the ground.
When I eat clean, I end up completely restricting everything I enjoy from my diet. This isn't healthy, a girl needs some chocolate every now and again. I also obsess over my blog, my Instagram followers, likes and all that jazz, I know it's natural in the blogging community to grow and track your progress, just don't forget to spend time with family and embrace the things that are happening right in front of you.

four: Improve blog photography, scheduling, and knowledge.
I'm always trying to improve my photography, I feel like it's something that you can always improve on. I also want to try and improve on my posting schedule, I don't have set days that I post, I post when I can, but I really want be posting at least twice a week and figure out how and when is best to shoot my photos and write my posts etc. I just want to expand my blogging knowledge in general.

five: Work my arse off.
I'm hard working, always have been and always will be, it's just kind of in my nature. But this year more so than ever, I want to work my arse off in every aspect of my life. My job, My blog, My weight, whatever it is I'm working at it and I'm not giving up. I'm feeling more determined than ever for success, which is probably down to having a child, I want to be able to always support her and for her to grow up with a Mum that has worked for everything she has, for me that's important. I want to be her number one role model.

I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and a fantastic start to the New Year. Thank you for continuing to support me and my blog in 2017! This year I aim to post regularly and create posts that you really want to read. Feel free to leave me any requests in the comments.



  1. Great goals my love, I can appreciate every single one of these. Although I can't see how your photography could get any better, you have the most insaaaanley gorgeous blog photos!! (Teach me haha) Lovely post, I need to try out a diptyque candle also I've heard many good things about them! xx

    Tash |

    1. Thanks lovely, I feel like I'm always learning more and more when it comes to photography and every time I think I've nailed it, I figure out something else to improve. Thank you, I love all your support! Yes you do! Seriously the scent this scent is to die for.


  2. Really great goals!
    This year I want to love myself again, I let myself go when I had Emma. I'm sure you'll smash yours babe.


    1. Thanks lovely! yes its some important to love and accept yourself! We can do it! Thanks hun x

  3. I loved to read about your goals. I also have a few and I hope we can both achieve it. Just take care when you are working on Nr 5, that you don't forget Nr 3 and reward yourself.

    1. Thankyou lovely as always! I'm sure we can! what goals have you set yourself?
      I will do

  4. What a beautiful set of goals. I love that you have really thought out each aspect of your points. Great post and happy new year! -Lubz (

    1. Thanks lovely! Yes I always try and think of realistic goals that I really hope to achieve!
      happy new year !x

  5. A lovely post and stunning photography as always! Some great goals and I'm definitely with you on most of them! I'm sure you'll smash every single one but like you said just remember to take time to enjoy yourself and the things you do too! Best wishes for 2017!

    Ellie x

    1. Thanks Ellie. I will definitely remember to give myself a break once in a while!


  6. This is weird but it sounds like I could have written exactly what you wrote here!! so I'm borrowing some of your résolutions! And I really like your photos by the way!

    1. How funny! but I know exactly what you mean! thank you so much lovely!

  7. I feel so inspired reading this. I have already set my goals for 2017 but I might add a few more now. I need to take care of myself more too and self image is something that I struggle with everyday - not all the time but I really have my ups and downs. A few weeks ago I was like I'm happy with the way I am but I've been feeling a bit insecure again so I want to work on this in 2017 too. Let's stay positive together:)

    Shii x

    1. Yay! I love that your feeling inspired lovely. I do as well! It happens to us all! but your such a kind and beautiful person! yes I'm so determined to be positive.

  8. These are great goals! Especially number 1, I do exactly the same thing! And in the grand scheme of things those little things don't matter! Will definitely have to keep it in mind. I hope you achieve everything you want to this year!

    Laura x

    1. Thanks lovely! Yes so true right? its so easy to get wrapped up with trying to make everything perfect constantly! Thank you lovely and you!


  9. We often tend to overlook our own needs and pay little attention on ourselves. These goals are awesome and I hope you achieve them all!

  10. Love how realistic your goals are, mine are a bit similar as well. Especially eating healthier. Hope you're having a great start of the year :) X

    | |

    1. Thank you lovely! I always find realistic goals are a lot more achievable x

  11. Best of luck with all of your goals Stacey! You have some really great ones, and some of them I'm also working towards for myself. Here's to a successful 2017!
    Ambar x | Her Little Loves

    1. Thanks so much lovely! I hope 2017 is amazing for you!

  12. Your photos are gorgeous!! I can't wait to see what 2017 has to offer for you, I love everyone one of your goals. Thanks for your support in 2016, you've been a huge support and inspiration for me 💕

    Laura || xx

    1. Thank you Laura! Your always welcome, I love your blog and your constant support and kindness!
      and i'm incredibly flattered that I've been an inspiration for you.

  13. I'm already really working on not sweating the small stuff this year but more than that, I'm trying to work on not sweating the big stuff! It's really difficult so far, but I'm making progress...

    1. It's so hard some times isn't it! Natural as human we worry but I really want to try reduce the stress in my life as much as possible x

  14. Your goals are so similar too mines! I hope you meet all your goals this year :) ps your blog photos and theme are absolutely beautiful!! Xx

    1. Oh really? I guess most people have similar goals around this time of year right? Thank you so much lovely!


  15. My goal would be to get my photography as good as yours! I love your photos sooo much!
    I really enjoyed reading this post and I kind of feel the same way as you and my goals are very similar.
    I really do wish that in 2017 all of your dreams come true and that it turns out to be a fantastic year for you! :) x

    Jessica |

    1. Aw thank you! Its taken my time to figure out my photo style and i'm learning all the time , but i feel like i am closer and closer to my goal everyday! Oh really thats great! thank you! I hope 2017 is an amazing year for you! xx

  16. I love your photography! It's so beautiful.

    Ange |

  17. I have the exact same goals as you and I think these are great goals to have. I feel like a lot of us sometimes tends to make goals that a tad unachievable within a amount of time, so it so important to have a goal that you can actually stick to and achieve!

    P.S. I love the layout of your website, so beautiful! x

    1. Yes I always set myself realistic goals that I'm actually capable of achieving!

      thanks lovely! glad your like it!

  18. I definitely have lots of goals for my blog. I want to get better and better with the photos and the layout of my blog as well as be more consistent with blogging and on social media. Hope you have a wonderful 2017. x

    1. oh yes! I love setting goals for my blog!
      They are goals I always want to set myself!

      Stacey x

  19. I love reading peoples goals, your photos are already so good, wish I could take some like that!! I definitely get you with not sweating things, I too stress over irrelevant things!

    1. Yes they are one of my favourite posts to read! I love hearing about everything people want to achieve and watching them achieve it!


  20. Beautiful I love this and hardwork Pays, for sure. Great goals which most people can relate to. I want to work smart so a nice balance between work and play. Happy New year Stacey
    Esnath |

    1. Thanks lovely! completely agree, hard work pays off 100%. such great goals!
      Happy new year lovely.


  21. Love your goals for the year and I am definitely going to take inspiration from them myself. Beautiful photos btw, I'm in awe x

    Beauty with charm

    1. Aww thanks lovely! ohh I love that. Thankyou! xx

  22. I've just discovered your blog and I am so so in love with your photography! Your photos are absolutely gorgeous and so well staged and lit! I loved reading this post. Happy New Year and good luck achieving the goals you have set yourself for 2017!xx

    Laura | Laura's Beauty Binge

  23. Aww thankyou! I've really been putting a lot of time and effort into it. Thank you so much, literally the biggest compliment. Thanks and happy new year! Xx

  24. All the best for 2017 lovely! p.s your photography is top notch, so beautiful! xo

    editionemmagrace - Beauty & Lifestyle

  25. Best of luck with your goals for the year! I absolutely love your photos, but it's totally understandable to want a better groove for getting things done efficiently. Especially in dreary winter, I am personally really struggling with being organized with all aspects of blogging and social media.

    xoxo Jenn │

    1. Thanks sweetie! thats really kind. So true right? ohh god I'm awful with being an organised blogger x

  26. Great set of goals to have and good luck achieving the goals you have set for yourself for 2017! Great blog!

    Face to Curls |

  27. LOVE these goals - they're all achievable and I really enjoy seeing what people set to achieve in the new year, it's always so motivational!!! :)

    Can't wait to see more of your posts!

    Layla xx

    1. Thank you sweetie! same I love this kind of post!


  28. These are some really good goals, I hope that you achieve them in 2017!

  29. Great goals, so inspiring I think as people we forget about ourselves in the sense of looking after when in the grand scheme of things we're maybe the most important to be looked after by ourselves.your pictures are stunning, beautiful definite photography envy right here :)

    1. So true lovely! we definitely need to think about ourselves a little more!

  30. I think your photography skills are amazing! But I have to agree, we need to love ourselves a bit more (not in a selfish way of course) but taking care of diet and skincare is at least something to start with! Loved this article.

    Naya xx

  31. I've just discovered your blog - like literally today! (talk about living under a rock! ;P) and am in total awe! As a relatively newbie blogger myself ( ) your blog is so inspiring and I look forward to reading all your posts (old and new) xox :)


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