Friday, 30 September 2016


The stress free approach to a smokey eye, less brushes, less mess. 

I was recently approached by The Beauty Essentials team. I was kindly sent a Shadow Switch (Dry Brush Cleaner) to test out. I had previously seen other bloggers raving about the dry brush cleaner and was eager to try it.

One thing I have to mention before I even start reviewing this is that The Beauty Essentials team are lovely and gave me a great deal of information about the product before sending it. They informed me that "their collection of tools were put together by a dedicated team of the most knowledgeable and professional beauty product consultants within the industry to ensure that every tool in the range was made to the highest standard and quality". 

The second the product arrived I jumped onto my snapchat (staceylouisew) -sorry for shamelessly  promoting myself. I was so eager to test it out and tell you about it! I rambled on about the product for a good 15 snaps. I then put the Shadow Switch away and was waiting for my new lighting to arrive. Once my new lighting arrived and I started to figure it all out I whipped out the Shadow Switch, see below the before and after photos of using the Shadow Switch, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.

Completely Clean Makeup Brush

Makeup Brush Being Dipped in Macs  Dance In The Dance

Swirling My Dirty Brush In Shadow Switch
Brush After Being Swirled In Shadow Switch
As you can see the majority of the eye shadow has been removed from the brush. Although the brush doesn't look 100% clean like the first photo, I did not get any colour come off it when I tried to use it, which I was super impressed by. I thought it would work but I was sceptical that it may not remove dark colours. I feel confident enough to say you could easily achieve a full smokey eye with just one brush. The idea is great if you don't have a huge range of eye shadow brushes or if you have that one brush you love to use all the time, it is also going to be a life saver when it comes to travelling as Shadow Switch really is quite compact. It is also so simple to use thanks to the step by step instructions on the side of the packaging.

I love this product and think its great value for money! Costing only £5.99, I think it is something everyone could benefit from having in there makeup bag. To take a look at this product click Here.

Little note, Shadow Switch are rebranding, so there will be a slight change in packaging, You can find the new packaging Here.

Fingers crossed next on their list is a quick and easy way to clean face brushes ehhh, wouldn't that be a god send?

Thank you for reading, let me know if you've tried this product and your thoughts on it.


Saturday, 24 September 2016


It is safe to say my hair was in desperate need of some tlc. So I figured I would pamper myself a bit and get the full shebang done. I had a tint, Balayage, Olaplex, cut, blow-dry and finished it off with some softs curls. I thought I would take you through what I had done step by step. My hair may not look awfully different to some but this session in the hairdressers was more about correcting my colour and getting the tones right.
As you can see my hair is hardly Golden Blonde and more Canary Yellow, not a look I'm willing to rock! My hair colour has been a bit of an issue the past few months. Straight after I had my daughter I went to the salon to get my hair colour done, bad idea that was! My hormones were all over the place and I'm certain that it affected my hair colour, every colour applied was either not taking at all to my hair or taking to quickly, every single hair on my head had its own mind and to get my hair to a colour that was acceptable I had to put quite a bit of colour in it leaving it feeling dry and seriously over processed. Here are the steps we took to give my dull hair some life.

 We started by tinting my roots, unfortunately I didn't get a photo of this. However its pretty self explanatory. We started with my tint because last time I tinted my roots the colour took too quickly and left my roots really dark leaving my hair looking less soft ombre and more bad root day. We mixed 3 colours together for my tint, one dark mousy blonde (similar to my natural colour) added a dash of a darker colour to give my roots a little depth and then added a dash of a really ashy, borderline grey colour to take away the warmth that naturally clings to my hair. We managed to get the colour close to my natural colour which is exactly what I wanted.
After tinting my hair and letting it develop we washed it out and dried it. 
Sam (My hairdresser and sister) then applied the bleach, she applied the colour free handed.
She picked random pieces of my hair up and quite literally painted it. This technique is known as balayage, I personally prefer this technique because it means my regrowth will blend better, also it gives the illusion of sun-kissed natural looking hair, similar to what nature gives us in the summer.

We then left my hair with the bleach on for quite some time. My hair is a nightmare at taking to bleach at the moment so unfortunately I had to give it longer to work than usual. Luckily Olaplex is mixed in with the colour to help prevent, protect and restore your hairs health.

Once the bleach was washed off, we then had to go in with a toner. Although I had the blonde on for quite some time it still had a yellow tinge to it so we had to apply a creamy toner.  The toner we used was to remove the yellowness from the blonde, leaving it looking whiter and a cleaner, creamier blonde.

Finally once all my hair was finally coloured, corrected and toned. It was time to apply the second part of the Olaplex treatment. Olaplex has been on the market for quite some time but its only recently being noticed by more and more people. It's basically a treatment that you can add in to your colour, keratin treatment, perm or just have the treatment on its own. Olaplex isn't just a hair conditioning treatment it helps permanently rebuild the damaged disulphide bonds in your hair that are broken during the chemical process. It also allows you to rebuild the strength, structure and integrity of your hair, helping you restore your hair back to its natural state.  Its also how Kim K went from black to white blonde over night. You can read more about how olaplex works HERE.

I promise I'm almost done! Once the treatment was complete I had a little trim just snipping the very ends off and had my hair blow dried with lots of volume. Sam then went over my hair with a tong just to create soft loose curls.

I'm so happy with my hair now, I've been desperate to sort the colour out but have wanted to grow it and knew that I wouldn't be able to process it much more without it falling out. I'm so thankful that Olaplex has come around because it has allowed me to create a colour I love without leaving my hair dry or brittle. Infact my hair feels so soft, less tangly and I barely had to have anything cut off! 

Below are a few more photos of my finished hair. What a transformation?
I hope you've enjoyed this long winded but informative post. I hope you managed to make it to the end.


Wednesday, 21 September 2016


For the longest time I have wanted to try Glossybox, I remember the days when it was all over youtube, everyone and their mother was using the subscription box. I was in college at the time and only earned £30 a week on a Saturday working as a junior in a hair dressers. That £30 usually went on essentials. I had very little left for treats at the time. The hype slowly died down and I saw less and less of Glossybox and if I'm completely honest I had forgot about it. It is only recently that I have seen Glossybox all over the place again. Glossybox is like blogger galore, a place where you can pay £10 a month and receive 4/5 products, some high end, some low end, some full sized and some samples. I finally decided to sign up to the subscription box after seeing the beautiful box over on asyouwishuk blog. If you would like more information on Glossybox and how it works click here. Anyone who likes to test out products will love this little box, here is a sneak peak inside my September Glossybox.

I have not yet tried any of these products as I didn't want this to be a review I wanted it to be a little haul of goodies. Anything that I love enough will be reviewed on my blog in the future, or perhaps I will start doing monthly favourites and see if any of the goodies make it in a favourites.

One: Vitamasques Hydro Face Mask RRP £7.99
I have read numerous reviews on this particular mask and was ecstatic when I had seen it in this months Glossybox. I'm not sure if it will live up to its claim of 120 hours of hydration but I'm willing to give anything ago that has the word hydrating in! My skin is so thirsty for moisture right now, with this english weather, I'm really hoping this mask will quench its thirst.  

Two: Rodial Smokey Eye Pen RRP £17
Rodial have been all over blogs and Instagram at the moment, if you haven't heard of them. Where have you been this past few months? I have been desperate to try some bits out from Rodial but have hesitated due to there hefty price tags. So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I saw this badboy in my box.

Three: Gosh Long Lasting Lip Marker RRP £8.50
Unfortunately I'm not a massive fan of this, I know straight up by looking at this that I'm probably never going to use it. Its bright pink, which just doesn't suit me and it literally looks like a pink highlighter pen. I just can't come to terms with the idea of this product. Don't get me wrong I'd defiantly give it a go if it wasn't so pink but I don't think I will be using it. However any goodies I get that I'm not keen on I may keep aside for giveaways and maybe do my own Staceybox, because someone else may love it and put it to good use.

Four: Too Face Better Than Sex Mascara RRP £19
Receiving this in my box was defiantly the cherry on top off the cake. I have been dying to test this mascara out! It has got so many amazing reviews so when I saw it I was over the moon. I have such high expectations for this product. I can't wait to test it out.

Five: Revlon Gel Envy Diamond Top Coat RRP £7.99
I have been getting my nails done a lot more recently so I'm not sure if I will get any use out of this.  My sister has her nails gelled aswell and said she applies this over the top of her gels to make them last even longer, so I was considering trying that but I'm also debating whether to add this to my giveaway pile. I really can't decide, even though I never do my nails myself I love nail products and nail care.

Six: Himalayan Charcoal Purifying Glow Mask RRP £15
I only received a small sample of this but I can not wait to test this out. I love the body shop and my skin usually reacts well with their products. Anything that has the word glow in the title automatically wins me over.

Overall I was super impressed with my goodies! I've even encouraged others to head over to Glossybox to get themselves some treats every month!

I hope you enjoyed seeing what I received in my Glossybox, I will probably be doing this monthly now. Remember all products that I really love will be featured on my blog either in a review or in a monthly favourites. 

If anyone has any suggestions for blog posts please let me know! I have tonnes of ideas at the moment but would love to have some feed back of something you would like to see on my blog. 

Also If your nosey like me, head over to my snapchat and be the first to see wha its in my Glossybox each month  S/C: Staceylouisew


Tuesday, 20 September 2016


Whether your a teenager with a little spending money or a mummy on a budget or even if you have plenty of cash to splash but enjoy shopping savvy, I've got you covered with a few simple tips. Here are my savvy spending tips and tricks.

One: Research
Whether your buying a £30 foundation or a £1 lipliner, do your research. There are a ton of beauty reviews all over the internet, they are easy to access and can help a ton when it comes to buying beauty products. Of course you won't always like a product just because you've read a thousand reviews but for most things it gives you a better idea of the quality of an item and if your really getting your moneys worth. It is very rare that I do an impulse buy and don't read at least 3 reviews on a product before I purchase.

Two: Budget Brands
Seriously drugstore make up has come along way, I find some of my favourite products are from the drugstore. I usually find when paying more for products it is usually for the packaging more than the product. If your looking for a good lip liner on a budget, Primark are the place to go! Seriously the lip liners are amazing. Also Essence are great for lipliners, lipsticks and possibly the best mascaras ever!

Three: Take Advantage Of Samples
So usually higher end brands offer samples to test a product before hand, take advantage of this! They are usually pretty decent sizes as well so you can get a real feel for the product. Also you will often find magazines have large samples or full sized products for a fraction of the price. I often see a £15 product in a magazine for £4! What a bargain.

Four: Don't Get Carried Away
Okay so magazine samples are great, if you genuinely want to try the products out. Just remember don't get carried away because you think its a good deal. Also 3 for 2 deals or buy one get one free deals are great as long as you are using them to your advantage and not buying for the sake of the deal.

Five: Use Your Loyalty Card
Boots, Superdrug, everywhere is now doing a beauty card, you collect points for every time you purchase something. Make sure you use them! I was always putting points on my Boots card for years and never actually used it, when I realised how much I had accumulated on there I was in shock! I think I got nearly everyones christmas presents using my points and then had points left over to treat myself to a few goodies. My fave thing to do with my beauty cards now is to save my points up for ages and then treat myself to a higher end goodie, it always makes it seem a little easier knowing your paying in points and not real money.

Six: Multi-Use
It is so much easier to be savvy when it comes to makeup these days, so many products are now designed multi-use already.  However you can take a simple pink lippy and use it as a blush or even get your bronzer out and apply it to the crease of your eye for extra definition. Seriously there are endless ways to use products and with a little Google search I'm sure thousands of ideas will pop up.

Seven: Discount Codes
If you are shopping online just before you check out, go back to Google and search "Discount code for brand name here" and I guarantee tons will come up. Even if its just for free delivery thats £3 or so you could save. Quite often you will find 10% off codes. Also bloggers often have discount codes for certain products, take advantage of these codes if you think you may buy that product later on, simply screenshot the code for the future.

Eight: Recycle Your Empties
Mac, Lush, Kiehls all offer a free product when you return a certain amount of empty containers back to them. If you already use these brands, take advantage of it. There is nothing better than returning 6 empty items back to Mac and receiving a lovely new lipstick in return.

Nine: Save Money With DIYs
I'm not exactly a massive do it yourself kinda person but there are a few things I won't pay for, brush cleaner is one of them things, baby shampoo works amazingly.

Ten: Dupes Are Your Bestfriend
That £20 lipstick you've been eyeing up, well another brand sells that exact colour and formula for £2 but the packaging is just a little more shabby. Whatever item you are wooing over just do a quick Google search for "product name dupe" and 90% of the time a review with swatches of both products next to each other will come up. Also often cheaper brands are made in the same factory as the higher end brands so it wouldn't surprise me if some products are identical in comparison! minus the packaging.

I hope you enjoyed my savvy girls guide to buying makeup,  let me know your number one tip when it comes to saving money on your beauty goodies!

Thank you for reading!


Saturday, 17 September 2016


This is by far the simplest yet most amazing scrub. All you need is a little bit of coffee and some coconut oil. Mix equal parts together in a bowl and that is it. So simple yet effective, the benefits this little combo have on the skin is amazing. 

Benefits of scrub:

One: Caffeine kills cellulite.
Seriously, caffeine is great for fighting cellulite. It tightens and provides antioxidants to the skin. When applied regularly it reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Two: Leaves skin bright and glowy
Whenever I use this scrub my skin always has a beautiful glow to it.

Three: Moisturise and Nourish 
This scrub seriously leaves your skin feeling silky smooth. It is so hydrating and leaves me with the smoothest skin. I feel like I've be slathered in an expensive cream but can fully relax knowing I don't have to sell my arm and legs just to afford it.

Four: Suitable for all skin types 
Don't get me wrong it may not suit everyone but I have heard people with oily, acne prone skin rave about this combination as well as people with dry, dehydrated skin. Its great at hydrating the skin and is also Antibacterial which means its a great way to keep your skin hydrated when your breaking out.

Five: Affordable 
I pay £10 for a mahooosive tub of coconut oil from Costco and coffee costs a few pounds. You could probably do a table spoon of each and that will cover your full body. This is literally cheap as chips but feels so luxurious, like something you would get in a spa!

Who else enjoys trying natural scrubs and skincare out? If so whats your fave?

Hope you enjoy this quick and easy scrub.


Tuesday, 13 September 2016



One: Purple Shampoo
Kicking it off with one for all the blondies out there. I'm sure by now we all know purple shampoo is an absolute god send to keep them tresses bright and beautiful. Seriously though, such a simple yet effective way to keep your blonde hair looking fresh and stirring clear of yellow locks.

Two: Coconut oil
Coconut oil is your best friend. Seriously, coconut oil is famous for its extensive list of beauty hacks but lets just talk hair for now. Defiantly the deepest hair mask going! It doesn't feel great straight away or leave your hair feeling as silky smooth as a silicone based conditioner but it really helps treat and hydrate coloured hair.

Three: Less is more
Literally, the less you wash your hair the more hair you'll have. If you want to grow your hair, consider cutting down how often you wash it. I wash my hair twice a week, on a Wednesday and a Saturday and this works for me, but it did take me a while to get into a routine. I love the way my hair feels once I have washed it so it's often tempting to wash it everyday but just remember this drys your hair out and also your hair needs a bit of your natural oils every now and then.

Four: Heatless Hairstyles
If your at home its easy to throw your hair up into a pony and be done, but if your heading out somewhere its nice to get dressed up. I love nothing more than some loose natural waves but I'm testing out some heatless hairstyles. Heat is obviously damaging to the hair and I try to avoid it at all costs. I never blow dry my hair mostly because that requires to much effort. I try to stick to only styling my hair with a heat tool once a week if i can and I only use one if  I really have to.

Five: Food/Supplement
Eat your way to healthy hair, lots of protein and biotin does wonders for your hair! Eating healthy benefits every aspect of your mind and body but trust me, if your eating well and taking a biotin supplement your hair will thank you.

Six: Never Brush Wet Hair
Okay so if your going to brush your hair when it is wet use a wide tooth comb preferably when you still have conditioner in your hair. This will save you tones of hair! When your hair is wet it is more prone to breakage, the tiniest of pulls can make it snap. I try to leave my hair to dry before brushing it but if I have to brush it when its wet I always start from the ends.

Seven: Scalp Massages
You know when you go to the hairdressers and they give you them 5 minute head massages, well its not just because it feels good. Scalp massages are great for stimulating the scalp which in return promotes healthy new hair.

Eight: Alter Your Pony
This one is a little random but a life saver. When tying your hair up, especially if you wear your hair up on a daily basis try changing the position of it. One day wear it high and another low. Alternating your pony tail means you won't constantly be putting pressure on one section of the hair, allowing it to stay healthy and prevent snapping.

Nine: Get Trims
I know getting regular trims can be scary sometimes but seriously, hairdressers recommend it for a reason. Hair that isn't regularly trimmed is more prone to split ends, when your hair has a split end it will continue to split higher and higher up the hair until it eventually breaks. Getting regular trims prevents this. However if your hair is fairly healthy, not over processed or over heated then you can properly go a bit longer between trims.

Ten: Cold Rinse
This is optional and only if you can bare it. Giving your hair a cold rinse helps close all your hair follicles and leaves your hair feeling refreshed and extra shiny. I personally love doing this, I'm not sure why but I love cold water on my head, its a little hard to get use to at first but when you do its lovely and refreshing, although come winter time it is always that bit harder to pluck up the courage to do it.

I really hope you have enjoyed my 10 Haircare Hacks. I am by no means a professional when it comes to hair. I worked in a salon as a junior for 4/5 years when I was in school and picked up a few hacks and I am also blessed to have a sister who is  a hairdresser  just incase I need some advice. However most of the tips are my own which have been tried and tested by me and I have found they work great for my hair but remember all hair types are different and what works for me may not work for you. Let me know what you do to keep your hair healthy.


Sunday, 11 September 2016


The moment September begins something inside of me starts screaming Autumn and as much as I love the summer, it is over before you know it and by early September Autumns approaching. The leafs are falling, there is a chill in the air and spiced lattes are all around. So for me this is when I start planning what I'm going to switch up. Clothing, makeup and even dinners. Now its time to say goodbye to ice lollies and salty hair and say hello to cozy sweaters and warm drinks.

Here are a few beauty products I tend to switch up for autumn.

One: Lipstick
Lipstick is possibly the quickest way to switch up any makeup look and come autumn time I always tend to tweak my lipsticks.  Goodbye to the pale pinks and corals. Hello warm nudes and deep burgundy

Two: Perfume
Sweet summer scents are a thing of the past, now it is time to spice it up with a warm spicy scent.
I'm not going to lie, I'm not a huge fan of anything to "woody" but I just tend to go for something a little less fruity and girly. I will be switching it up and using Manifesto Intense YSL BEAUTY.

Three: Blusher
I won't completely say goodbye to pink blushers as it is a fave! But I do like to change it up slightly, with something a little warmer and deeper

Four: Eyeshadow
Eyeshadow is one of my favourite ways to fall into Autumn. My blues eyes always thank me come Autumn time. When it's time to get the warm oranges and brick reds out. I think its safe to say I'm covered this year thanks to the beautiful 35O MATTE& SHIMMER NATURE GLOW BUNDLE.

Five: Foundation
In the summer I'm all about something light weight and glowy, when Autumn comes though I want something with a little more coverage and something that will last longer on the days when the weather is not on our side.

I hope you have enjoyed this post let me know what your switching up this autumn!


Friday, 9 September 2016


Marbelous Spectrum Brush Review

If you plan on reading this, get yourself a cup of tea or a glass of wine this may take a while.

I think Spectrum have nailed it when they created there Instagram worthy brushes. It is safe to say everyone has been admiring their brushes recently. Seriously, they have created mermaid inspired brushes (which are gorgeous) but when I saw the Marbelous set I knew I had to have them. They are inspired by the beautiful marble and rose gold trend. So immediately I thought, erm yes please. I'm a sucker for a trend sometimes.

For me the packaging can make a real difference, if the packaging is beautiful it can make the whole experience of a new item feel that little bit more rewarding. However when I received my brushes they was packaged in a cellophane type bag. I have seen a few other peoples brushes come in a pink pouch but even that packaging I didn't find to attractive. However the second I opened the brushes I instantly forgot about the not so pretty packaging and was instantly drawn to soft bristle and rose gold details. 

At £64.99 I personally think these brushes are really reasonably priced, especially considering the high quality.

Immediately when I felt the bristles I was excited by how soft the bristles were. I was also very impressed by the complete set, usually when buying a brush set you risk wasting money on some brushes that you never plan on using. The Marbelous collection has a great variety. You can easily create a full face of makeup using just this collection. Where as in the past I have brought other sets and only used 4/5 brushes from the collection and had to mix and match with other brushes. This is an ideal set if your looking for something to completely replace old brushes.

The 12 piece set consists of 5 luxe face brushes and 7 of there best selling eye, brow and lip brushes.

A00 - Luxe Powder:
This brush works beautifully at applying powder and blending it, the brush is more dense than expected. It picks powder up evenly and distributes it over the face flawlessly without the risk of rubbing off any other makeup, I don't get any problem with applying to much powder using this brush as it glides the product onto my skin seamlessly.

C07 - Luxe Tapered Sculptor:
This is possibly my favourite brush from the collection. If I decide to bake my face this brush picks up translucent powder easily and makes my baking experience run smoother. I will then use this brush to remove any excess power after I have baked my face and it gives the most beautiful flawless bright under eye effect. I don't tend to stick to the rules when it comes to makeup brushes I use whatever brush I like for whatever I like. I think thats the best way to figure out what works for you! Remember our faces are all different textures and shapes so playing around with the brushes allows us to create the exact look we want.

A02 - Angled Foundation:

For as long as i can remember I have been using the Real Technique Miracle complexion sponge, which by all means I still adore. However this is the first actual foundation brush I have been able to achieve flawless looking skin with without feeling the need to touch up after with my sponge. Seriously it;s a little bit more time consuming than the sponge but the results are seamless.

C02 - Flat Top Contour:
I've been desperate to try this sort of contour brush out for a while and the first time I used this brush I ruined my contour, it was to heavy. This brush picks up product so well and its so dense that it wasn't something I was use to, so you need to be careful when using it for the first time. When I got to grips with it and figured it out, I loved it. Less product and a gentle hand can create a beautiful chizzled cheek look. I find it difficult to do a natural looking contour with this brush but who buys a contour brush like this for a natural look anyway? 

A05 - Precision Blush:

I use this brush for the days when I want my contour to be softer, it creates a beautiful but subtle contour. I also use it after using the C02 to help blend my contour. 

B05 - Luxe Blender: 

I haven't got a huge amount of use out of this brush yet. However the other day I used it to apply my strobe cream and it worked beautifully. I find this brush a little awkward to use, I don't really know what to use it for but I'm sure I will figure it out.

B06 - Tall Tapered Blender:
This brush blends like a dream. I won't lie it is your typical fluffy blending brush but just a taller more tapered version which helps keep everything more crisp and clean. It blends your eye shadow seamlessly together ensuring no harsh lines are visible.

A07 - Stubby Shader:

I just use this to pack on a product because it is so dense and flat it works wonders at picking up product and pressing them onto the eyelid. It's also great for a quick swipe of colour over the eye.

A12 - Fluffy Pencil:

I love this fluffy pencil brush, one of my favourite pencil brushes of all time. It's a little thicker and a little more dense than perhaps your average pencil brush but it works amazingly with my eyes. It is great for darkening up the corner of the eye and running under the eye to create a smokey eye look.

A13 - Short Smudge:

I haven't used this much as a smudger brush yet, I've mainly used it for getting a precise highlight under the brow. It's quite dense and stiff which makes it perfect to add that pop of highlight.

A14 - Brow Definer:

I've used this a few times and I do really like it for powder products but just found it didn't work as well with my Nyx tame and frame brow pomade so I will probably be sticking to another brush for brows. However if your a powder brow kinda girl then this may work for you.

A15 - Lip Definer:

I find most lip definer brushes very similar, this works lovely but it is a standard lip definer.

Over all I think the collection is amazing, they look gorgeous while being great quality and easy to use.

Sorry about the long ramblyness of this post but I want to give my honest and accurate opinion on this collection as lots of people have asked about them. 

Shop Spectrum brushes HERE


Tuesday, 6 September 2016



  • Drink more water
  • Figure out lighting and editing to improve blog photos
  • Exercise more
  • Eat healthy meals
  • Go for more walks
  • Try to schedule blog posts and post more
  • Shoot at least one fashion post
  • Spend more time trying to grow social media accounts
  • Do a makeup tutorial 
  • Finish the month with a September favourites blog post
  • Take time out to pamper myself
  • Read more
  • Appreciate the little things
  • Spring clean home
  • Declutter clothes, makeup and drawers
  • Have fun

Here are my goals for September, do you have any goals this month?

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